Sunday 14 October 2012

Wednesday - last day (boo hoo)

The wind and rain really whipped up again over Tuesday night but, thankfully it was pretty clear by the morning, which really helped as Wednesday was our last day, so we had to pack the tent and all the gear away - so much easier if it's dry!

Soon we were all packed up and heading off for the, by now, customary breakfast at the swimming pool.

Two races on the programme today - firstly the 500cc Classic GP/Formula Classic, then the  Supertwin/Lightweight Manx GP. The plan was to head out to Ballacraine and watch the first race from there, then follow the back roads round to Bray Hill so that we were nice and handy for the ferry after the race finished.

So out to Ballacraine. I remembered watching TT Practice from there many years back and not being really very struck with it, but I really enjoyed it this time - I think it was the slower speeds of the older machines and the great sounds reverberating off the old pub walls as they headed off down the exit.

How good is this video?.......

(credit - Mr Rob S :))

Rob was very taken with this group of nicely restored sports mopeds. 
I think they were Austrian from memory and really hope they came over in a van!

So we then followed the back roads to Bray Hill. I have never spectated from there and thought it would be too fast to enjoy, but it was magnificent. A great view as the bikes hammered down that, oh so steep, hill then bottomed out in front of us and carried the momentum up towards Ago's leap. Truly spectacular. We saw some nasty weaves there. A rider had been killed just up the road in practice and I think that was the start of it for him :(

Rob at Bray Hill (hairdressers!)

This photo really doesn't begin to show how steep this hill is....

Exit heading off towards Ago's leap and then down to QuarterBridge. 
In case you're wondering, the barriers are moved before the race starts ;)

This gives a better impression of the hill and dip.

LOVED hearing those 2 strokes racing in earnest again :) and the Supertwin class is really good as well.

This turned out to be quite a sad day - In the first race of the day, Ryan Farqhuar (who Rob and I have both followed for quite a time) won the first race, the 500 Classic. Then in the second race, his team bikes were running first and second, when one crashed out. Nigel Moore went on to take the win for Ryan's KMR Kawasaki team. Sadly, it was announced after the race that the other rider (Trevor Ferguson) had received fatal injuries in his crash. Trevor was Ryan's uncle.....  Unsurprisingly, Ryan announced his retirement from road racing the following week. He has nothing left to prove after such a successful career.

Sadly, the journey was now over and we had to head for the ferry. Doris continued to perform flawlessly (apart from stalling on the way up the ramp - I'd forgotten to turn the petrol on..... (blush)), and before we knew it we were home again. A fantastic few days away and she came through with flying colours. Now Rob is as besotted as I am!!

So impressions of the Manx v TT? Well I probably preferred it I think. It's chalk and cheese really, but the slower pace and classic nature of the Manx swings it for me. Will we be back next year? Definitely! In fact we are seriously looking at going for longer next year and joining the marshalling teams for some of it. Watch this space.....

But I think we'll do a homestay next year - I'm getting too old for camping in the rain!!

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