Saturday 25 August 2012

Safely at Heysham

Made it!  Though obviously I never had any doubt that Doris would deliver me safely on our longest journey yet! Just under 70 miles I think.

The weather this afternoon & early evening was terrible - constant heavy rain. My original plan had been to travel up here fairly early, just in case of any mechanical gremlins, but I delayed for a couple of hours to let the rain clear a bit.

So there were bits of drizzle and a couple of heavier spells, but nothing terrible. I was quite concerned that it was the first time we'd been out in the wet - my worry was that it might show up some electrical problems, but all was fine :) 

It's also the first time I've taken her any distance at night. The headlight was reported as being good in contemporary road tests, but it seems like a candle compared to the more modern bikes I've had. I adopted the same solution as for everything else - slow down and smell the roses! Most of the journey was on well lit A roads anyway so not a great problem. I have taken a vow to try not to go on any motorways - A roads are much nicer and I won't be tempted to rag her then.

Anyway 1 hour till boarding, then I can get some sleep on the ferry.

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