Saturday 25 August 2012

Safely at Heysham

Made it!  Though obviously I never had any doubt that Doris would deliver me safely on our longest journey yet! Just under 70 miles I think.

The weather this afternoon & early evening was terrible - constant heavy rain. My original plan had been to travel up here fairly early, just in case of any mechanical gremlins, but I delayed for a couple of hours to let the rain clear a bit.

So there were bits of drizzle and a couple of heavier spells, but nothing terrible. I was quite concerned that it was the first time we'd been out in the wet - my worry was that it might show up some electrical problems, but all was fine :) 

It's also the first time I've taken her any distance at night. The headlight was reported as being good in contemporary road tests, but it seems like a candle compared to the more modern bikes I've had. I adopted the same solution as for everything else - slow down and smell the roses! Most of the journey was on well lit A roads anyway so not a great problem. I have taken a vow to try not to go on any motorways - A roads are much nicer and I won't be tempted to rag her then.

Anyway 1 hour till boarding, then I can get some sleep on the ferry.

Manx GP

The light at the end of the tunnel for thr Dream restoration has always been to take Doris over to the Isle of Man when she was finished. I couldn't get a ferry ticket for the TT, and in truth she wasn't ready, but she seems to be 100% now and is all geared up and ready to head over for the Manx GP :)

Panniers are packed with camping gear and I have a tank bag full of clothes, so this evening I'm travelling up to Heysham to get the overnight ferry.

My son Rob is travelling over tomorrow night and then we'll both be there for 3 days. I'll try and post regular updates of the journey over the next few days.